Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Öckerö, guinea pigs and a sunset

After about an hour's tram ride from where I live to Botaniska Trädgård, I met my friend and work colleague, Cheri and her son Samson. We drove in her car to the ferry port, Lilla Varholmen, where we (and the car) got on the ferry, no charge, and enjoyed the sights of the surrounding islands. The ferry ride only takes about 10 to 15 minutes.

Arriving on Öckerö we made our way to Martha's (from El Salvadore) house, also a friend and work colleague. She has a beautiful house and it was such a treat to meet her family. Her seven year old daughter, Alice, showed us her guinea pigs and rabbits, which she's very proud of.

A week before the visit Martha asked me at work if I am allergic to anything, if there's anything I do not eat. And if I am allergic to guinea pigs or rabbits. Immediately I thought, how am I going to tell this women that I'm not going to eat guinea pigs or rabbits. And I was thinking I am not Rita Golden Gelman, author of "Tales of a Female Nomad", who vowed to eat everything on her travels that she was offered. I try to follow that travel rule, but sometimes I fail.... . I then scrapped up the courage and told her that I don't think I would be able to eat guinea pig, maybe rabbits, but not guinea pig. Suddenly she burst out laughing so hard I immediately realized my mistake and joined in... 

Lunch did not consist out of guinea pigs or rabbits. It was a delicious creamy chicken and mushroom dish with a hint of spice. After lunch we went for a walk around the island where I realised there's a library, a supermarket, lots of boats, a rocket spaceship thing on a huge rock (which no-one knew what it was) on the island and Alice's school. I was impressed with the whole island community existence and learned that Öckerö is quite and old community. There is even a sea-training facility on the island.
After our walk we went home to get out of the cold. Martha's husband made us some delicious Swedish coffee and we ate left-over birthday cake. (Alice had her birthday party the day before). I had two slices of the delicious, homemade birthday cake.
Our trip home was exciting. Me, Cheri and Samson chasing sunsets in a glorified, golden sky. Cheri stopping now and then for me to jump out, take a picture of the setting sun over the mirror-flat water. Then driving over the big green Gothenburg bridge provided one of the most amazing sunset settings I've ever seen. A full, red-ish sun falling in the sky like a fire-ish red balloon with skyscrapers and big cranes in the background forming magnificent dark shadows... shadows in a golden sky.

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